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Unprofessional use of the cosmic channels

During unprofessional use of the cosmic channels it is necessary to keep to the following rule: "Open the channel straight away as you remember about it".

As you can see what follows from this rule: time and number of utilizations of the cosmic channels are not specified. That's why you can use them any number and in any time of the day. For example you remember about channel during your work then you must open it. If you remember about channel while walking in the street then open it in the movement. If you remember about channel in the bus then do the same.

In order to understand why you must follow this rule you must know what had happened during transmission to the certain cosmic channel. During transmission to the certain cosmic channel information about it and it's possibilities found itself in your subconscious and then after every utilization it is strengthened there. That is why with time subconscious knows exactly that you have certain channel with certain possibilities to be used.

And for instance when energetic impact influences upon you then subconscious put into operation information about channel in your consciousness in order to protect you (and at this moment you "suddenly remember about the channel"). Then all you have to do is to open it and the channel itself will protect you from that energetic impact. That's why to "remember about the channel" means that your subconscious consider it necessary that you must open the channel at the present moment. Your subconscious is a part of your biofield and your biofield permeates everything and knows everything including knowledge about energetic impact. That is the reason why you must follow this rule.

You have to open channel in the following way. You say under your breath the statement of channel and visualize that the flow is running through your physical body at the same time washing it. This flow will clean and heal you by running through and protect by washing. In time when you become experienced in opening and visualizing and do it easily without any effort then you can start the next level of mastering of cosmic channel.

The next level of mastering of channel is: when you remember you open channel not only for yourself but also for one more person for example for your close friend. It does not matter if he is near or far away. You say under your breath the statement of channel and visualize that the flow of light, fire, water, etc is running through and washing your physical body and another flow of the same channel is running through and washing physical body of your close friend no matter where he is at that moment. When you learn to do it easily it is logically to start the next step of mastering. Now when you remember you open the channel not only for yourself but also for two other persons.

After mastering the third level you can start mastering of using channels for the group of people. Thus gradual mastering of unprofessional use of the channels occurs.

Certificate of assigning Bagirov EM scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology.

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